The Thunder Bay and Area Food Strategy is organized around the 7 pillars of a sustainable food system, which were selected by the community at a Food Summit held in March 2013.
Forest and Freshwater Foods: Increase our region’s knowledge of available forest and fresh water foods and their sustainable harvest, protect and conserve forest and fresh water food ecosystems, and support a diverse and sustainable forest and fresh water foods economy within the region. More info.
Food Infrastructure: Support the creation of a local food supply chain that links production, processing, distribution, consumption, and waste management in ways that sustain the local economy, minimize environmental impact and improve people’s access to healthy food. Learn more.
Food Procurement: Leverage procurement food spending to develop a public sector food supply chain that contributes to the economic, ecological and social well-being of Thunder Bay and Area through food purchases that foster local production, processing, and distribution. More info.
Food Production: Protect and encourage growth in farm-scale production so that a greater proportion of food is grown, raised, prepared, processed, and purchased closer to home. Learn more.
School Food Environments: Improve the eating habits, food skills and food literacy of children and youth in Thunder Bay and Area through supportive healthy school food environments. More info.
Urban Agriculture: Increase food production in the urban landscape and support the participation of citizens in urban agriculture activities. Learn more.